Valor Education is a classical charter school network in central Texas founded in 2016 to promote a broad, deep, and authentic educational vision—one that recognizes and nourishes the human desire for wisdom, virtue, friendship, and community. During their time at Valor, students memorize poetry, read and discuss the classics, participate in nature studies, learn Latin, serve in their community, care for plants and animals, and participate in extracurricular clubs and competitive athletics.
In 2023–24, Valor’s five schools served over 2,700 students. In an age of distraction and disconnection, Valor cultivates an atmosphere of attentiveness and warmth that inspires each person to be fully present and deeply engaged.
For a glimpse into daily life at Valor, please watch Made for Wonder, a short film about how Wonder invites discovery, develops in community, and draws us to what is good, beautiful, and true.
For more information about Valor Education, we recommend you read the news stories linked at the bottom of this post. Also, we invite you to join the San Antonio Charter Moms discussion group on Facebook and ask questions; the group includes current Valor San Antonio families who can comment with answers about their own experiences.