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Valor Education

Valor San Antonio is a free, classical education charter school inviting students into the fullest life possible: one directed by wisdom, animated by wonder, and anchored in friendship. Within a school culture of joy, respect, and deep engagement, Valor cultivates your child’s whole person and develops their wisdom and virtue so they can become fully alive and truly free. Teachers value the students’ whole person and guide them into deep discussion of the Great Books, enjoyment of the fine arts, and mastery of advanced math and science. Students can enroll for the current school year (2024–25) in grade levels where spots are available by filling out an enrollment application. For 2025–26, Valor’s open enrollment period runs from October 1, 2024 to January 27, 2025. We have put together a guide to help you learn more about Valor San Antonio and take steps to enroll your child.

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Valor Education Kinder Kids
Open Enrollment for
2025-2026 School Year

Enrollment Begins:

October 1, 2024


January 27, 2025

How to Enroll

School Rating

TEA Report Grade: A
*Learn more about this report.


(512) 646-4170


220 Foremost Drive Austin, Texas 78745

San Antonio, Texas

About Valor Education

Valor Education is a classical charter school network in central Texas founded in 2016 to promote a broad, deep, and authentic educational vision—one that recognizes and nourishes the human desire for wisdom, virtue, friendship, and community. During their time at Valor, students memorize poetry, read and discuss the classics, participate in nature studies, learn Latin, serve in their communitycare for plants and animals, and participate in extracurricular clubs and competitive athletics.

In 2023–24, Valor’s five schools served over 2,700 students. In an age of distraction and disconnection, Valor cultivates an atmosphere of attentiveness and warmth that inspires each person to be fully present and deeply engaged.

For a glimpse into daily life at Valor, please watch Made for Wonder, a short film about how Wonder invites discovery, develops in community, and draws us to what is good, beautiful, and true.

For more information about Valor Education, we recommend you read the news stories linked at the bottom of this post. Also, we invite you to join the San Antonio Charter Moms discussion group on Facebook and ask questions; the group includes current Valor San Antonio families who can comment with answers about their own experiences.

School Year

First Day:
Last Day:

Charter Moms Chats

Watch Dr. Mark Discher, Headmaster at Valor San Antonio, and Randi Haldenwang, Assistant Headmaster of Lower School at Valor San Antonio, speak with Inga Cotton on Charter Moms Chats on September 17, 2024 at 4:00 PM Central live on Facebook and YouTube.

Dr. Mark Discher has been in the field of education for over thirty years. He received a B.A. from Wheaton College, an M.Div. from Fuller Seminary, an S.T.M. from Yale University, and his doctorate from Oxford University. He and his wife have three school-aged children. Dr. Discher has taught at colleges and universities across the country, including Ottawa University, University of St. Thomas, Benedictine College, and the College of St. Mary Magdalen. An entrepreneur, Dr. Discher operated a trucking company in his home state of Illinois for nearly a decade. Recently, he pioneered two classical charter schools in the Phoenix area. Aside from teaching, reading, and writing, Dr. Discher enjoys music and building model railroads with his sons.

Randi Haldenwang is the Assistant Headmaster of Lower School at Valor San Antonio. Ms. Haldenwang is a certified elementary and ESL educator. She has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Facts About Valor Education

Valor’s motto, sapientia per admirationem, or wisdom through wonder, points to the fundamental task of awakening wonder and love of truth, goodness, and beauty in every student. Valor San Antonio offers a robust student life experience. During the past school year (2023–24), Valor San Antonio hosted a variety of community events, including a Fall Festival, Fiesta Family Fun Night, Grandparent Gardening Day, Classical Literary Parade, Curricular Celebrations, Winter and Spring Concerts, Student Art Gallery, and field trips.

This year, Valor San Antonio’s inaugural freshman class will embark on their first Wilderness Expedition to Utah. In the backcountry, free from the distractions often present in our contemporary life, students awaken to a deepened sense of wonder for the natural world.

Through Valor’s Human Encounter program, students spend meaningful time with senior members of our community, people with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged individuals in their community. Extracurricular clubs at Valor San Antonio include art, strings, drama, robotics, chess, Latin, science, gardening, and personal fitness.

Additional Links

Don’t Know Where to Begin?

Explore our comprehensive resources and dive into our Starter Guide, School Enrollment Guides and informative blog. Empower your journey to finding the ideal school for your child with expert advice and essential information.

Starter Guide

Start your journey to educational excellence for your child by learning about different School Models and Enrollment Timelines.

Enrollment Guides

An in-depth look into essential school information, academics, culture, visitation, and application procedures.

School Year Calendars

A look ahead at the 2024–25 San Antonio school year calendars. View a list of all schools with links to their respective calendars.