Ingredient List for Cutie Charcuterie with Dave Terrazas

Ingredient List for Cutie Charcuterie with Dave Terrazas

Going shopping? Use this list to buy ingredients for Cutie Charcuterie, a family-friendly snack board developed by Dave Terrazas that you can make for Valentine’s Day—or any special occasion. Find more at-home learning activities activities, including Chef...
Ingredient List for Cutie Charcuterie with Dave Terrazas

Cutie Charcuterie with Dave Terrazas

So, you’ve got your plan down . . . flowers, candy, dinner reservations—not so fast! The COVID–19 pandemic is changing the way we celebrate holidays, and this one is no exception. Valentine’s Day is for lovers. And while there will be many restaurants open, many...
Banana Ghosts and Monster Apple Mouths With Chocolate Dip

Banana Ghosts and Monster Apple Mouths With Chocolate Dip

These recipes—banana ghosts and monster apple mouths with chocolate dip—are part of the Spooky Snack Board activities developed by Chef Dave Terrazas, owner of Foodie Classroom, for our Charter a Voyage of Learning guide. Banana Ghosts and Monster Apple Mouths with...