Gratitude Banner and Crafts for Daily Gratitude Practice

Gratitude Banner and Crafts for Daily Gratitude Practice

What are you grateful for? How often do you ask yourself, your children, family members, or friends what they are grateful for? When a special holiday rolls around, like Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving, or Valentine’s Day, we reflect and express our love for...
Making Memes and Building Character

Making Memes and Building Character

We are proud to share this guest post by Amanda Maloney, who teaches Social Studies, Music, and Character Education to middle school students at the School of Science and Technology—Northwest, about using a fun meme generator activity that also teaches about...
What Happened to Sleep Schedules?

What Happened to Sleep Schedules?

Let’s all take a moment to acknowledge that summer usually throws sleep schedules out the window. Some of us are not getting more or even enough sleep, and overall, our kids are having a harder time falling asleep and staying asleep. For some, bedtime routines have...