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School finance and the Eagle Ford Shale

South of San Antonio, school districts on top of the Eagle Ford Shale play are raking in dramatically more property tax money. Dilley ISD will get to keep the extra money; further south, Cotulla ISD is on the verge of "recapture": sending money back to the state....

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Great Hearts: Looking at the facts

In one week, Great Hearts Academies will hold informational meetings for San Antonio parents. A comment on that announcement challenged me to look closer at the data about Great Hearts' performance. The comment asserted that in some parts of Phoenix ("way north where...

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Donna Campbell on school choice

Dr. Donna Campbell is the Republican nominee (and likely winner in November) for Texas Senate District 25, which includes San Antonio's North Side. She campaigned on school choice. She recently sat down with the Texas Tribune for a video interview. "Donna Campbell:...

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Homeschooling: another alternative

Looking for an alternative to traditional public schools? Besides private schools, charter schools, online education, etc., don't forget about homeschooling. Have a look at "Wondering if Home Schooling Is Right for You", San Antonio Living (WOAI), August 31, 2012, and...

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