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Achievement School District SB1718 scheduled for Tuesday vote; please call Reps. Villarreal and Rodriguez

May 20, 2013

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What is the legislature doing this session to improve education? This blog has covered SB2, the charter school bill, which passed the House last week (earlier post), and HB2976, the parent trigger bill (earlier post). Another policy that would improve Texas schools: the creation of an Achievement School District.

How does the Achievement School District work? COMEXSA President Ramiro Mojarro explains:

This legislation offers parents and children attending low performing schools another opportunity for improving schools. Schools who are assessed as low performing for two consecutive years are placed in a statewide district that has resources and education experts to “turn around” these schools.

“Education reform and Latino legislators—our children need your help”, Ramiro Mojarro, Isabela Chapman, Jose Aguilera, Tony Sandoval & Gilberto Garcia, El Mundo, May 17, 2013.

SB1718, which would establish an Achievement School District, has already passed the Senate, and is scheduled for a vote in the House on Tuesday, May 21.

Our representatives from San Antonio, including Mike Villarreal and Justin Rodriguez, need to hear from us that SB 1718 is important. (Find out which district you’re in at Who represents me?)

Do you have time to make a phone call today? It may feel strange to call up your legislator’s office, but just remember that the legislators are put there by YOU.

Need a script? Start with this one, then make it your own:

Hello, my name is ____________, and you are my representative. I am calling to ask you to support SB1718, which would create the Achievement School District. There are too many failing schools in Texas, and the Achievement School District would help turn those schools around.

Here are the phone numbers:

  • Rep. Mike Villarreal (District 123): 512-463-0532
  • Rep. Justin Rodriguez (District 125): 512-463-0669

Making these calls is easier than you might think. Sometimes you get an answering machine—just stick with your script. Often, it will be an aide or assistant, who will write down your message; no need to leave your phone number or address if you don’t need a response.

My friend Colleen made a how-to video of how to call your legislator. (She was calling about the parent trigger bill, but it works the same.)

Read more about how an Achievement School District would work: