10 Educational TV Shows for Kids & Families

10 Educational TV Shows for Kids & Families

Updated: 07/28/22 Chances are, while you and your family are enjoying summer vacation, you’ve probably watched quite a bit of TV, too. Pre-pandemic I had a “No TV during the school week” rule at my house, saving Friday nights for family movie watching and additional...
San Antonio Kids Programs Outside of School

San Antonio Kids Programs Outside of School

In addition to focusing on providing a good education for our children, we often want them to have a well-rounded experience in their out-of-school activities as well. Sometimes this includes signing up for school sports and clubs, other activities outside of...
Educational Opportunities During the Holiday Break

Educational Opportunities During the Holiday Break

Most schools give students two weeks off for winter break so families can enjoy some much-needed time together. If you’re looking to avoid cabin fever or want to keep young minds curious and learning, there are a number of winter camps and events to enjoy. Here’s a...