by sachartermoms | Mar 2, 2013 | Latest News
One of the differences about open enrollment public charter schools: no school board elections. For a roundup of school board races in the San Antonio area, see “School board races outlined”, Maria Luisa Cesar, Francisco Vara-Orta & Lindsay Kastner,...
by sachartermoms | Mar 1, 2013 | Latest News
BASIS founders Michael and Olga Block will be the special guests at the next BASIS San Antonio information session, 6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. at the La Quinta, 4431 Horizon Hill Blvd., San Antonio, TX 78229, with Q&A to follow. Before you go, please take this quick...
by sachartermoms | Feb 27, 2013 | Latest News
Researchers found that after three to four years in a KIPP school, students’ academic growth equaled an extra eight to 14 months of learning, depending on the subject area. This was despite the fact that students tend to enter KIPP schools with math and reading...
by sachartermoms | Feb 26, 2013 | Latest News
Do you have strong feeling about school choice? Consider attending Thursday’s town hall meeting. “UTSA and S.A. Express-News to host series of town hall discussions”, Tim Brownlee, UTSA Today news release, February 25, 2013. The town hall meeting...
by sachartermoms | Feb 25, 2013 | Latest News
Good news for future Charter Moms and Charter Dads: there’s a bill in the Texas Senate right now, SB2, that would lift the arbitrary cap on the number of charters in Texas, would provide some funding for charter school facilities, and includes a whole package of...