by sachartermoms | Jan 17, 2013 | Latest News
Montessori education has a great reputation, but the cost of tuition has been a barrier for many families. That may change soon: Montessori For All is an organization working to create a network of diverse, high-performing public charter schools based on authentic...
by sachartermoms | Jan 16, 2013 | Latest News
As mentioned earlier, IDEA Public Schools is building a new campus in San Antonio: IDEA South Flores. The campus is under construction and will be ready for students in August. The mailing address for IDEA South Flores will be 6919 S. Flores St., San Antonio, TX...
by sachartermoms | Jan 16, 2013 | Latest News
Inspired by our earlier visit to celebrate the launch of the Arte Kids book series, my three-year-old daughter and I returned to the San Antonio Museum of Art yesterday for a longer tour. My first visit to SAMA was in the 1990s when I was a teenager and my family had...
by sachartermoms | Jan 15, 2013 | Latest News
Last fall, as mentioned in this earlier post, IDEA Public Schools started making plans about how to spend their Race to the Top grant money. They recently shared more details: Among the pilot programs, new adaptive reading software for elementary schools that adjusts...
by sachartermoms | Jan 14, 2013 | Latest News
Good news! BASIS San Antonio now has a Facebook page. Please “like” and “share” and all that. The best way to stay up to date, though, is to sign up for the interest list.