by sachartermoms | Nov 14, 2012 | Latest News
The State Board of Education’s Committee on School Initiatives is meeting right now; they are currently discussing charter applications (including BASIS and Great Hearts); the meeting is being webcast live. Here is an earlier post with more information about...
by sachartermoms | Nov 14, 2012 | Latest News
On Sunday, Great Hearts CEO Dan Scoggin appeared on the Arizona Politics and Culture show on KKNT 960 AM in Phoenix. Listen to the interview to learn about how the school uses a great books curriculum to build character in its students.
by sachartermoms | Nov 14, 2012 | Latest News
Stopped at a red light behind a KIPP: San Antonio school bus, I noticed the “College Bound!” motto on the back.
by sachartermoms | Nov 14, 2012 | Latest News
The State Board of Education’s Committee on School Initiatives is meeting this morning to review charter applications (including BASIS and Great Hearts); the meeting will be webcast live. Here is an earlier post with more information about this week’s...
by sachartermoms | Nov 13, 2012 | Latest News
Downtown San Antonio has lots of cultural attractions that appeal to families: the San Antonio Children’s Museum on Houston Street, the Institute of Texan Cultures and the Magik Theatre in Hemisfair, Main Plaza, and the Central Library, to name a few. An article...