by sachartermoms | Nov 9, 2012 | Latest News
At a Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce meeting last month, four area superintendents talked about education budget cuts, standardized testing, and school choice. Sylvester Perez, interim superintendent of SAISD, which has seen increasing competition for students...
by sachartermoms | Nov 8, 2012 | Latest News
A friend of mine is excited about BASIS coming to San Antonio because it offers an accelerated curriculum. Her son is in fourth grade and he’s already bored. How can she tell? Just look at the T-shirts he picks out. One day, he said to her, “Mom, school is...
by sachartermoms | Nov 8, 2012 | Latest News
An earlier post discussed the launch of SA Ready, a program to provide materials to improve college and career readiness of high school graduates. A recent editorial in the Express-News sharpens the argument: It is estimated that on average only 83 out of every 100...
by sachartermoms | Nov 7, 2012 | Latest News
The 2012 general election is over; what was the impact on education? Locally, Mayor Julian Castro’s Pre-K 4 SA initiative passed. “Local voters decide to put their money on Pre-K 4 SA”, Josh Baugh & Maria Luisa Cesar, San Antonio Express-News,...
by sachartermoms | Nov 6, 2012 | Latest News
UPDATE: IDEA Public Schools has announced locations for 3rd and 4th campuses in San Antonio. IDEA Monterrey Park will be at 222 SW 39th Street, San Antonio, TX 78237 (map). IDEA San Antonio #4 (permanent name coming soon) will be at 6130 Walzem Road, San Antonio, TX...