by sachartermoms | Oct 25, 2012 | Latest News
It’s nice to write about a success story. The Alamo Area Academies, a dual-credit program that allows high school students to simultaneously earn a year of college credit, work at a paid internship, and earn industry certifications, recently received a Texas...
by sachartermoms | Oct 24, 2012 | Latest News
The San Antonio Education Partnership recently announced the launch of the Diplomás Project, with the goal of raising college completion rates among Latinos by 9 percent by mid-2015. “Latino Student Success Effort in San Antonio – The Key to our Economic...
by sachartermoms | Oct 23, 2012 | Latest News
I’m feeling inspired to visit Walker Ranch park after reading “New Favorite Park (San Antonio)”, Erica Bodker, Walking in My Shoes, October 22, 2012. Links to more park information and interesting historical tidbits: Walker Ranch Historic Landmark...
by sachartermoms | Oct 23, 2012 | Latest News
The San Antonio Express-News editorial board recently published its endorsements for the two San Antonio-area seats on the State Board of Education. “Incumbent SBOE member must go”, San Antonio Express-News, October 16, 2012. No endorsement for District 3...
by sachartermoms | Oct 23, 2012 | Latest News
This week, the latest round of school finance litigation goes to trial in Austin. One thing that’s different about this trial, compared to the other trials over the past few decades, is that charter schools are represented. In addition to the groups representing...