Carpe Diem: blended learning comes to Indianapolis

As mentioned earlier, Carpe Diem Schools is one of the high-performing charter school operators that is expanding to other states. Carpe Diem is based in Yuma, Arizona, but this fall it opened a new school in Indianapolis — Carpe Diem Meridian. Carpe Diem is known for...

“Won’t Back Down” continued

Melanie Mendez-Gonzales of ¿Qué Means What? was my source for tickets to the preview of “Won’t Back Down”. She’s published her own review: “Won’t Back Down – Review”, Melanie Mendez-Gonzales, ¿Qué Means What?, September 28, 2012....

BASIS creates a San Antonio interest list

BASIS Schools Inc., a high-performing public charter school system based in Arizona, is in the process of applying for a Texas charter. They recently created an interest list for parents: create a profile and select “BASIS San Antonio” as your school....