“Parent trigger” laws endorsed by mayors

In June, the U.S. Conference of Mayors passed a resolution in support of “parent trigger” laws, which allow parents to band together and force change–including, in some instances, conversion of their local traditional public schools into charter...

Celebrating YES Prep winning the Broad Prize

Houston’s YES Prep Public Schools won the first-ever Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools last week. According to an editorial in the Houston Chronicle, The Broad (rhymes with “road”) judges cited YES’ stellar record. They noted that the...

Great Hearts charter school blocked in Nashville

The Arizona-based charter school organization Great Hearts Academies is taking steps to expand into Indiana, Tennessee, and Texas. In Nashville, it’s facing opposition: The school board recently denied Great Hearts’ application to operate charter schools...

Deborah Kenny: “Why Charter Schools Work”

Critics claim that charter schools are successful only because they cherry-pick students, because they have smaller class sizes, or because motivated parents apply for charter lotteries and non-motivated parents do not. And even if charters are successful, they argue,...