by sachartermoms | Feb 19, 2014 | Latest News
Engineers are usually sort of introverted, right? I should know, I’m married to an engineer and have many in my family tree. But when you get them talking about something they love, there’s no stopping them. That was true over the weekend at at the Witte...
by sachartermoms | Feb 19, 2014 | Latest News
Looking for a schedule of informational meetings, application deadlines, and lotteries? You’ve come to the right place: it’s the February 19 edition of the San Antonio Charter Moms 2014-15 Guide. (If you’re curious, here’s last week’s...
by sachartermoms | Feb 18, 2014 | Latest News
Have you heard that BASIS is opening a new campus in San Antonio in 2014? This is a great opportunity to join a community that embraces learning. The next BASIS San Antonio North information session will be at 6:30 p.m. on February 20, 2014 at the BASIS San Antonio...
by sachartermoms | Feb 17, 2014 | Latest News
The Woodlawn Theatre gave me some tickets to Into the Woods so my kids and I could see the Sunday matinee and report on our experience. We thoroughly enjoyed Act I, but left at intermission because I felt that Act II would not be suitable for children as young as mine...
by sachartermoms | Feb 12, 2014 | Latest News
This is a very busy time for parents who are researching school choice options. To help you out, here is the February 12 edition of the San Antonio Charter Moms 2014-15 Guide to informational meetings, application deadlines, and lotteries. (If you’re curious,...