FAQ update: What is a charter school?

I recently updated my FAQ page. Here is an excerpt: “What is a charter school?” A charter school is a public school. It’s authorized directly by the state, not by a local school district. Students can cross district boundaries to attend the charter school...

BASIS San Antonio Boosters executive board

UPDATED. The BASIS San Antonio Boosters now have an executive board: President: Richard Gross VP: Lourdes Campos 2nd VP: Chris Conlan (formerly Lloyd Wiltz) Treasurer: Juan Carlos Rodriguez (formerly Tom Immenschuh) Secretary: Rachel Allred Want to stay up to date on...

School board resignation at East Central ISD

East Central ISD trustee Randall Gearhart recently resigned, for personal reasons. “Third East Central trustee resigns in three years”, Francisco Vara-Orta, San Antonio Express-News (Mysa.com). The board will meet again soon to choose a replacement. The...