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Call Rep. Lyle Larson on May 13-14 to support SB2 charter school bill

May 13, 2013

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The Texas House of Representatives is expected to vote on SB2, the charter school bill, this week—probably Wednesday. (Here’s an earlier post about SB2 making it out of the House Committee on Public Education.) This bill is important because, among other things, it would raise the cap on the number of charters, allowing for the creation of more high-performing charter schools and giving parents more good choices of tuition-free, public schools.

I need your help, Charter Moms and Charter Dads, to speak up and ask the San Antonio House delegation to support the charter school bill. Today or tomorrow—Monday, May 13 or Tuesday, May 14—please call and express your support for SB2. Our top priority is to call Rep. Lyle Larson (Dist. 122) at his Austin office, (512) 463-0646. If you have time for more calls, please contact Rep. José Menéndez (Dist. 124) at (512) 463-0634 and Rep. Mike Villarreal (Dist. 123) at (512) 463-0532 to shore up their support.

Feeling nervous about calling your representative? Don’t worry—they work for you! Most of the time, an assistant will answer the phone, or sometimes an answering machine. Here is a sample script you can use, but be sure to make it your own:

Hi, my name is ______, and I live in San Antonio. I’m calling to express support for Senate Bill 2, which would raise the cap on the number of charter schools in Texas. I have kids and I am looking for more high quality education options and different education models. Please vote in favor of SB2.

Ready for more? You can ask to speak to the staff member who handles education issues, and make your case to them directly. Also, you can leave your phone number and ask for a call back.

Make your call before close of business on Tuesday so the message gets through before the Wednesday vote. Please ask your friends to help, too.