by Guest User | Apr 29, 2020 | Latest News
At BASIS Charter Schools, we believe that a classroom—a physical one, filled with motivated students and led by passionate subject expert teachers—is the remarkable place where learning happens best. That’s why we have always worked hard toward providing the very best...
by Guest User | Apr 3, 2020 | Latest News, Parenting
Hello, accidental homeschoolers! We are proud to share this timely guest post by Caitlyn Baker and Shannon Ruddell of Fearless Readers, LLC. Just a few weeks ago, many of us were busy planning and preparing for Spring Break. Vacations, playdates, and local activities...
by Anne Hebert | Mar 20, 2020 | Latest News, Parenting
Was spring break last week, or last year? Think of the lighting speed at which the global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has disrupted the entire world. Schools and universities across the country have closed. Major cities have shut down all...
by sachartermoms | Mar 13, 2020 | Latest News
EDIT: Governor Greg Abbott has ordered Texas schools closed for the remainder of the 2019–20 school year. “Gov. Greg Abbott keeps Texas classrooms closed for remainder of school year,” Aliyya Swaby, Texas Tribune, April 17, 2020. Most San Antonio schools...
by sachartermoms | Feb 7, 2020 | Latest News
Do you love your kids a whole lot and want them to get a great education? It’s important to make sure that our kids are happy, safe, and always learning, but it can be hard work. Sometimes we just need time to relax. Let’s gather for SACM Moms’ Night...
by sachartermoms | Feb 4, 2020 | Latest News
Podcasts are a great way to keep learning about education, even while you are doing other tasks like driving, working out, or doing chores around the house. Here are our picks for the best education podcasts for San Antonio listeners. Some of these educational...