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Choose to Succeed launches new website

May 2, 2013

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Choose to Succeed has a spiffy new website with helpful information explaining their mission:

In 2011, the George W. Brackenridge and Ewing Halsell Foundations began to analyze student achievement data from the Greater San Antonio area. At the close of their analysis they discovered the disenchanting state of public education in the growing city. Of the 310,000 students being served at nearly 500 schools, only 47% of high school seniors are college-ready using Texas-calculated metrics.

In an effort to change these facts and create a high-quality, education-rich environment for San Antonians now and in the future, Choose to Succeed was founded.

The first phase of Choose to Succeed involved the two foundations, and various community leaders approaching the nation’s best Charter Management Organizations and asking them to join KIPP San Antonio to help turn the tide. Since then, IDEA Public Schools has moved into the San Antonio area operating two schools, IDEA Carver (opened Fall 2012) and IDEA South Flores (opening Fall 2013), collectively serving 800 students and Great Hearts Academies and BASIS have been granted charters. BASIS San Antonio will open Fall 2013 and serve 510 students.

“Who We Are”, Choose to Succeed, visited May 2, 2013.

Please support Choose to Succeed by signing up for their newsletter, liking them on Facebook, following them on Twitter, and telling your friends.

Read this earlier post and this one, too, about the October 2012 launch of Choose to Succeed.