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Halloween at the San Antonio Zoo: Pumpkin Bash and Zoo Boo

October 25, 2013

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Over the weekend, the San Antonio Zoo invited a group of blogger families, including my kids and me, to decorate pumpkins for the Pumpkin Bash on Friday, October 25, 2013. We enjoyed an early Halloween party, met Thistle the hedgehog, and got goodie bags, including tickets to the 27th annual Zoo Boo on October 30-31, 2013.

Halloween at the San Antonio Zoo: Pumpkin Bash and Zoo Boo 2013 | San Antonio Charter Moms

My daughter covered her pumpkin with purple paint; she loves all things pink and purple these days. My son’s pumpkin was sort of a brain teaser: he painted a picture of a black pumpkin with a purple face. A pumpkin on a pumpkin? OK, sure. 

At the Pumpkin Bash today, Friday, October 25, the zoo animals get to play with all the decorated pumpkins. (The zoo gave us non-toxic paint, of course.)

Have you heard about the zoo’s new Sumatran tiger cubs? “San Antonio tiger cubs’ pictures finally posted”, Sarah Tressler, San Antonio Express-News, September 25, 2013. At 10 a.m. today, the cubs will get their pumpkins; at 12 p.m. or so, they will go back inside to rest.

Zoo Boo is a family-friendly, non-scary costume party over two nights, October 30 and 31. Activities include trick-or-treating and a kids’ costume contest. Gates open at 6:00 p.m. and close at 8:30 p.m. Advance tickets are $6 for non-members and $5 for members; at the door, tickets are $7 for non-members and $6 for members.

Read more about our blogger family pumpkin-painting party at A Thrifty DivaSan Antonio Mom BlogsKennan Family HuddleThe sTORIbookYour Sassy Self, At the Fire Hydrant, and Optimistic Heathen. Read my earlier post about the zoo’s neighbors on the Broadway Reach, and how to get a discount pass.

San Antonio Zoo 2013 | San Antonio Charter Moms

Even if you can’t make it to the Halloween festivities, keep in mind that Fall is a great time to visit the zoo—just look at the gorgeous weather we had last weekend. We stayed at the zoo for hours; my kids would have stayed all day.

Disclosure: The zoo invited my kids and me to a pumpkin painting party with treats and goodie bags with tickets to Zoo Boo. (We already have a family membership to the zoo.)