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Mayor Julian Castro visits Denver for Mayors for Educational Excellence Tour (MEET)

October 16, 2013

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Mayor Julian Castro in Denver for the Mayors for Educational Excellence Tour (MEET) | San Antonio Charter MomsMayor Juilán Castro is in Denver today for the launch of the Mayors for Educational Excellence Tour (MEET), a partnership among the mayors of four major U.S. cities to highlight the educational innovations that are working in their respective cities. The tour includes four stops:

Read more about the tour:

Perhaps in March, when Mayor Taveras visits San Antonio, he will have time for a side trip to Austin to visit the giant photo of him at the LBJ Library. “Providence Mayor Angel Taveras has a place in LBJ Library”, Richard C. Dujardin, Providence Journal, October 14, 2013. The library, unbeknownst to Taveras, used his image in an exhibit about Head Start, a signature program of Lyndon Baines Johnson’s presidency; Taveras attended a Head Start program as a young child in Providence.

In my opinion, the mayors’ tour is a Big Deal. These cities are all doing interesting things with education. The tour will build relationships and give the participants an irreplaceable sense of place about the successful new schools and programs.

I feel like I should mention that Mayor Kevin Johnson is married to Michelle Rhee, the controversial former chancellor of D.C. Public Schools and the current leader of Students First, an advocacy organization. “Lunch with the FT: controversial schools reformer Michelle Rhee”, Edward Luce, Financial Times, October 4, 2013; this earlier post gives a sense of what Students First is about—parent empowerment.

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