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No consensus on how to spend bond money to upgrade Bonham Academy

January 25, 2013

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Parents, historic preservationists, and school officials still have not reached a consensus about how to spend bond money to improve Bonham Academy, an in-district charter in the King William historic district. “Standoff continues on Bonham Academy renovation options”, Maria Luisa Cesar, San Antonio Express-News, January 25, 2013.

School officials want to expand classroom space, but preservationists stopped a plan to demolish a nearby historic house (earlier post), and parents complained that building plans did not leave enough green space (earlier post here and here).

Says principal Patricia Ortiz:

She noted the options that would maximize green space at the landlocked campus would only allow for a capacity of 550 students. The school enrolled 497 last year.

“We’re having a very hard time accommodating the students we have right now,” Ortiz said. “We have parents calling to put their children on a wait list before they’re even born.”

My opinion: Instead of trying to maximize classroom space at Bonham, at the expense of historic homes or green space, the district should try to figure out how to replicate Bonham’s success at another campus. Or partner with someone, perhaps a charter school operator, who will.