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Ramiro Mojarro calls on Hispanic community to support HB 2976 parent trigger bill

May 4, 2013

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Ramiro Mojarro, President, Clubs de Zacatecas de San Antonio, education reform advocateThis is Ramiro Mojarro. He’s the president of the Clubs de Zacatecas de San Antonio and an education reform advocate. He wrote a recent op-ed in La Prensa that I proudly co-signed. “The Need for Parent Trigger: 6 Years of Failing Schools is Unacceptable”, Ramiro Mojarro, Nancy Craig & Inga Cotton, La Prensa, April 21, 2013.

On Friday morning, Ramiro stood in front of City Hall and spoke to the media (including Telemundo KVDA-60 and Univision KWEX-41) about the inequality of education opportunities for Hispanics in San Antonio. Ramiro supports HB 2976, the parent trigger bill, and calls on the Hispanic community to take control of improving their local public schools. Six years stuck at an “academically unacceptable” school is too long; HB 2976 would shorten that to two years before parents can organize for change.

The House Committee on Public Education held a hearing last week and is likely to vote next week on the parent trigger bill. There is still time to call our San Antonio representatives, Mike Villarreal and Justin Rodriguez, to ask them to support HB 2976.

Here are the phone numbers for their Austin offices:

  • Rep. Mike Villarreal (District 123): 512-463-0532
  • Rep. Justin Rodriguez (District 125): 512-463-0669

Need help? Colleen Pence at San Antonio Mom Blogs made a how-to video, or you can work from this script:

Hello, my name is ____________, and you are my representative. I am calling to ask you to support HB 2976, the parent trigger law. I have kids and I am concerned about education. Six years is too long to wait before parents can organize around a failing school. Please vote for HB 2976. 

Read more about HB 2976 at my earlier posts here and here.