Montessori education has a great reputation, but the cost of tuition has been a barrier for many families. That may change soon: Montessori For All is an organization working to create a network of diverse, high-performing public charter schools based on authentic Montessori principles.
Currently, Montessori For All is applying for a Texas charter. They plan to open their first campus in Austin in Fall 2014, with a second campus in San Antonio in Fall 2016. The San Antonio school, to be called Redbud Montessori for All, will open serving grades preK-3 to 3rd grade, adding a grade level every year until 8th grade. Another feature: dual-language curriculum, very much in demand in San Antonio.
Sounds good, right? Well, Redbud Montessori for All is hosting an information session at 10 a.m. on Saturday, February 16 at the offices of the San Antonio Area Foundation (note: SAAFdn offices are now located at the Pearl). So go have a look and be sure to ask lots of questions.
Interested families can fill out the pre-enrollment form to stay up to date about Redbud Montessori for All. There’s also a Facebook page.