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School board elections 2013: Express-News endorsements in San Antonio ISD

May 7, 2013

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Very timely advice today, on the last day of early voting:

Voters eligible to vote in these low-profile but high-stakes school board races need to take the time to cast a ballot. This is important. The decisions made by school board members affect the entire community, not just the residents in their districts.

“SAISD school board recommendations”, San Antonio Express-News, May 3, 2013.

The Express-News endorses incumbent Debra Guerrero for re-election in District 3, noting: “We recommend voters cast their ballot for the candidate who wants the job.” (Her challenger tried to take his name off the ballot, but missed the deadline.)

The Express-News endorses Arthur V. Valdez, Jr. (father of muralist Vincent Valdez) for District 4, choosing him over incumbent Adela Segovia and other challengers Fernando Velazquez and John Graciano. The editors praise Valdez for being “committed to raising the district graduation rates and producing graduates who are college ready or equipped to pursue a career or technical education.” See this earlier post for more background about the District 4 race.

Steve Lecholop and incumbent Ed Garza are running unopposed in Districts 1 and 7, respectively.

See this earlier post for more information about San Antonio ISD Board of Trustees elections, and learn more about when and where to vote at Bexar County Elections.