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Write letters to SBOE to support Great Hearts and BASIS charter applications

October 20, 2012

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Thank you to everyone who came to last week’s informational meetings for BASIS and Great Hearts. I hope that you, too, now believe that it’s really important for these schools to come to San Antonio.

As mentioned at the presentations, Great Hearts and BASIS are still waiting to get their charter applications approved by the State Board of Education (more details about the process here).

We need your help! Here’s what you can do:

  • Write a letter explaining why you want Great Hearts and/or BASIS to come to San Antonio; make it unique and personal
  • Cut-and-paste the body of the letter into five emails
  • Address each email to a different member of the State Board of Education Committee on School Initiatives: e.g., “Dear Dr. Soto” (committee members include Ken Mercer (chair), Charlie Garza (vice chair), Mavis B. Knight, Gail Lowe, and Dr. Michael Soto)
  • Send each email to sboesupport@tea.state.tx.us; a staff member will promptly forward the email to each board member. (Please send a copy to mail@sachartermoms.com, too, so we can bring a printout to the hearing.)
  • Please send all of your letters before November 2, when the committee meets for charter interviews (Want to be there? Get on the bus!)
  • When the full State Board of Education meets on November 16, we should find out if the Great Hearts and BASIS charter applications were approved

A big show of community support for BASIS and Great Hearts will improve the chances that their charter applications will be approved. If their applications are denied, they will probably re-apply, but that will delay the opening of their first campuses in San Antonio by at least a year.

Please download our flyer and share it with your family and friends.