Heritage Academy of San Antonio
Heritage Academy’s academic program is based on the belief that successful students become successful adults. Our core curriculum is specifically formulated to prepare students to succeed in college. This preparation includes crucial, fundamental, academic courses with a special emphasis on American civics, followed by more advanced courses. Our interest is in educating the whole person, instilling both knowledge and values that will serve both the student and our society in years to come. We wholeheartedly agree with President Theodore Roosevelt’s belief that an intellectual education without benefit of moral training creates a menace to our society. For this reason, Heritage Academy is committed to provide not only quality education but also training in character growth.
8750 Fourwinds Dr., Windcrest, TX 78239
Country: USA
Heritage Academy
City: San Antonio
State: San Antonio
Zip Code: 78239
(210) 354-7753
Grade Level:
Pre-K - 8th Grade
Open Enrollment
Overall Performance:
Grade: A (95 out of 100) (Alternative Standard)
Student Achievement:
Grade: A (93 out of 100)
School Progress:
Grade: B (87 out of 100)
Grade: A (100 out of 100)