Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas Welcomes the First Gamma Sigma Girls at IDEA Eastside

Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas Gamma Sigma Girls Investiture at IDEA Eastside College Prep | San Antonio Charter Moms

October 11 is recognized as International Day of the Girl, and the Girls Scouts of Southwest Texas is using this occasion to highlight programs that improve the wellbeing of girls, including the launch of Gamma Sigma Girls at a local public charter school, IDEA Eastside.

Girl Scouts is a longstanding leadership development program for girls. In a 2017 report about the State of Girls, the Girl Scouts looked at factors that affect the wellbeing of girls, and found that Texas ranked 42nd in the United States.

Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas Gamma Sigma Girls Investiture at IDEA Eastside College Prep | San Antonio Charter Moms

A local program called Gamma Sigma Girls, launched in 2011, seeks to make the benefits of Girl Scouts accessible to more girls by establishing sisterhoods in middle schools and high schools. The Gamma Sigma Girls groups, and the Gamma Sigma Pearls groups for younger girls, aim for a sorority-type setting that helps girls feel empowered and want to get more involved in their community. Girls can choose an area of focus, including advocacy, taking action, and being college bound.

Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas Gamma Sigma Girls Investiture at IDEA Eastside College Prep | San Antonio Charter Moms

In San Antonio, Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas has partnerships with San Antonio ISD, Harlandale ISD, Southwest ISD, Edgewood ISD, Uvalde ISD, and now IDEA Eastside, the first public charter school with a Gamma Sigma Girls group.

Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas Gamma Sigma Girls Investiture at IDEA Eastside College Prep | San Antonio Charter Moms

The IDEA Eastside College Prep Gamma Sigma Girls held their first investiture ceremony on October 9. Girls Scouts of Southwest Texas CEO Angela Salinas welcomed new members.

Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas Gamma Sigma Girls Investiture at IDEA Eastside College Prep | San Antonio Charter Moms

Parents, grandparents, guardians, and community members came out to support them. If the girls participate in the group long term, they will qualify for college scholarships.

Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas Gamma Sigma Girls Investiture at IDEA Eastside College Prep | San Antonio Charter Moms

Do you have a story to share about being (or raising) a Girl Scout, or ideas about empowering girls on the International Day of the Girl? Leave a comment to share your thoughts.

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