“How to Homeschool” online workshop June 3-7 with Pamela Price

how to homeschool workshop

Have you been thinking about homeschooling as an alternative to public school education? Are you on the fence, but want to learn more?

Pamela Price, author of a forthcoming book about how to work and homeschool, and blogger at Red, White & Grew, is offering an online workshop next week about how to homeschool.

As a homeschool advocate, Pamela works to dispel myths about homeschooling. It’s not just for stay-at-home moms and dads any more. Also, these days, families are choosing homeschooling for many reasons—not just because they want a faith-based curriculum. (Pamela says the workshop will cover both secular and faith-based options.)

And, it’s not an all-or-nothing decision. For example, what if you went through the lottery process but didn’t get a spot at a charter school? (According to state Sen. Dan Patrick, 100,000 children in Texas are on charter school waiting lists, as verified by Politifact.) You could homeschool for a year and then re-enter the lotteries next year. Or, what if you are on the interest list for Great Hearts? It looks like their first San Antonio campus won’t be ready until Fall 2014. Homeschooling might be a good interim choice for the 2013-14 school year.

Practical details: Go to Eventbrite to register. (Register ASAP to be sure to get a spot; registration closes at 5 p.m. Sunday.) You must have a Facebook account to participate. Don’t worry about having to be online at a particular time—the workshop is sort of come-and-go.

See this earlier post and click on the video link to hear Pamela talk about homeschooling.

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