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Guide to Enrolling at Learn4Life Edgewood

March 6, 2025

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Learn4Life Edgewood students graduation
Learn4Life Edgewood students graduation

Learn4Life Edgewood of San Antonio is a campus that supports students as they earn their high school diplomas while overcoming the obstacles that had prevented them from reaching their goals. They are accepting applications for enrollment on an ongoing basis. We have put together a guide to help you learn more about Learn4Life Edgewood and take steps to get enrolled.

About Learn4Life Edgewood

Learn4Life was founded in 2001 in Lancaster, California by a group of concerned community members who wanted to address the high rate of students dropping out of high school. They created a program with a flexible schedule and personalized learning to help keep students working towards the goal of a high school diploma. Here in Texas, Learn4Life formed a partnership with Edgewood ISD Schools of Innovation to open a campus in San Antonio.

The learning model at Learn4Life is designed to help students reach their goals. Class sizes are small. Students meet one-on-one with their teachers and counselor to develop a personalized academic plan to meet their needs. The day-to-day class schedule is flexible so that students can choose when to come to school. The campus offers two four hour sessions that students may choose to attend.The work is self-paced, so students have control over their learning.

The teachers at Learn4Life build relationships with their students by getting to know each student as individuals and making ongoing adjustments to their academic plans. The school also connects students with community resources to help them overcome obstacles to success. 

To read more about Learn4Life Edgewood in the news, we recommend that you click on the articles linked at the bottom of this post. Also, we invite you to join the San Antonio Charter Moms discussion group on Facebook and ask questions; the group includes families who can comment based on their own experiences.

Learn4Life in San Antonio

Learn4Life has one campus in Texas, one in South Carolina, three in Michigan, three in Ohio, and 92 in California. Here in San Antonio, Learn4Life Edgewood is located next to John F. Kennedy High School, 1922 S. General McMullen Dr., San Antonio, TX 78226 (map). The main phone number is 210-898-4078. The campus serves students in grades 9–12, or ages 14 to 21 years of age. The 2024–2025 school calendar follows the Edgewood ISD calendar. On their most recent school report card, Learn4Life Edgewood is marked as not rated. As a district, Edgewood ISD earned a C rating on their most recent district report card.

Download the free San Antonio Charter Schools app for an interactive map that includes the Learn4Life campus in San Antonio, and many more schools of choice. You can also find campus information about Learn4Life Edgewood and other Edgewood ISD Schools of Innovation on our Guide to Charter Schools in San Antonio.

Learn4Life Edgewood student parenting teacher classroom

How to Enroll at Learn4Life

Families and students are encouraged to call the campus at 210-898-4078 to inquire about enrolling at Learn4Life Edgewood. Enrollment is ongoing.

Applicants can call 877-360-5327 for more information. Also, the school website includes a live chat option. 

We recommend following these social media accounts:

In addition, please join the San Antonio Charter Moms discussion group on Facebook to post questions and search for previous discussions about Learn4Life Edgewood of San Antonio.

Facts About Learn4Life Edgewood

A good way to understand the impact of Learn4Life Edgewood is through the students who have changed their stories by enrolling there. 

Jessie graduated in the Fall of 2023.  Her story is the epitome of strength.  

Jesse Learn4Life Edgewood student stories

Leo is another graduate of Fall 2023.  His story shows how he was able to overcome life’s challenges and earn his high school diploma.

Leo Learn4Life Edgewood student stories

Heavenly is a student who thought she was going to drop out of high school, but instead she enrolled at Learn4Life Edgewood and now her goal is to become a Registered Nurse. 

Serina went from struggling at her previous school, to enrolling at Learn4Life Edgewood and finding personalized instruction and one-on-one attention. Now she plans to enroll in college and prepare for a career in medicine or psychology.

Graciano struggled to keep up with remote classes during the pandemic when a friend suggested he look at Learn4Life Edgewood for personalized learning. Now he is looking at options such as joining the Marine Corps or seeking a degree in engineering.

We hope this enrollment guide to Learn4Life Edgewood of San Antonio has helped you understand more about their learning model and will guide students towards this school option to help them change their stories.

Charter Moms Chats

Watch Kristin D. Willmann, Principal at Learn4Life Edgewood, April Pina, Counselor at Learn4Life Edgewood, and Isabel Diaz, Lead Teacher at Learn4Life Edgewood, speak with Inga Cotton on Charter Moms Chats on May 7, 2024 at 4:00 PM Central live on Facebook and YouTube.

Kristin D. Willmann is the Principal at Learn4Life Edgewood. She has been in education for thirty-one years.  She is a firm believer in second chances and believes that student success is directly related to how they are treated and supported. She leads with her heart and shares that loving who you teach is the first step in building positive relationships with students. She feels blessed to have been given the opportunity to serve as the principal for Learn4Life Edgewood.

April Pina is the Counselor at Learn4Life Edgewood. She has been in education for six years. Her passion for educating students goes beyond academics in order to meet their social emotional needs. She comes from similar backgrounds as her students and aspires to provide the positive impact that has allowed her to be the person she is today.

Isabel Diaz is a Lead Teacher at Learn4Life Edgewood. She has been in education for twelve years. She has worked for Learn4Life for six years. She is passionate about  inspiring, motivating, and supporting the students to love learning and encourage them to do their absolute best.​ She aspires to foster an inclusive and supportive environment where students and colleagues can thrive. 

Read More About Learn4Life Edgewood