What effect will the 2012 elections have on the textbook wars? The size of the social conservative block will probably be decided during tomorrow’s runoff primary. “3 runoffs set in Texas Board of Education races”, Jamie Stengle, Austin American-Statesman, July 25, 2012. The Statesman reports:
- Geraldine “Tincy” Miller is a moderate conservative who held the District 12 seat in North Texas for 26 years; now she wants it back from social conservative Gail Spurlock
- In Central Texas’ District 10, Republican Tom Maynard says he will sometimes vote with the social conservatives and sometimes not; primary opponent Rebecca Osborne says she is not interested in alliances
- Neither candidate in the Democratic runoff for District 2 (South Texas), Ruben Cortez Jr. and Celeste Zepeda Sanchez, is expected to vote with the social conservatives