Charter a Voyage of Learning - Outdoors

“Spell Your Name” At Home Fitness Activity—with a Plank Challenge!

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Activities to do at Home

spell your name at home fitness activity plank challenge Aicha Mosha
“Spell Your Name” At Home Fitness Activity—with a Plank Challenge!

The Spell Your Name (or any word) at home fitness activity is something you can do with your kids any time of the day.  It will help your kids practice their spelling skills, they will learn new exercises that will… Continue Reading →

Literacy Outdoors
bird bingo witte museum backyard blue jay
Bird BINGO With the Witte Museum

Have you and your kids been staring at screens too long? Go to your backyard and look for birds! Download and print a Bird BINGO card, watch the how-to video from the Witte Museum’s Witte Where You Are activities, and… Continue Reading →

Outdoors STEM
father son fitness coin flip
Coin Flip Fitness for Staying Healthy at Home

Coin Flip Fitness is healthy activity that combines exercise and knowledge. I use it as a warm up/instant activity in our PE classes at KIPP Un Mundo Primary School, where I am a teacher and a coach. I will show… Continue Reading →

Outdoors STEM
child sitting in forest mindfulness moments yoga for classrooms brooks academies of texas
Mindfulness Moments with Yoga for Classrooms

With all that is going on in our world right now, your family may be looking for a fun activity that is relaxing, eases stress and anxiety, improves focus and concentration, builds confidence and self-esteem, and promotes problem-solving and self-control. Yoga… Continue Reading →

Outdoors Social-Emotional
biking on the greenway trails Medina River San Antonio Parks and Recreation
Explore San Antonio’s Greenway Trails System

Whether it’s walking the dog at a neighborhood park, flying a kite in an open field, or mountain biking on a trail, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the outdoors in San Antonio. Green spaces are essential to the… Continue Reading →

puppy fostering dogs family community service
Fostering Dogs as a Family Community Service Activity

For many families, this summer is no doubt a summer like no other. Trips, camps, lessons, fun gatherings with family and friends, activities that normally keep our calendars steadily filled, have been postponed or cancelled leaving us to wonder what… Continue Reading →

Life Skills Outdoors Social-Emotional