Summer Math Fun

Summer Math Fun

We are proud to publish this guest post about summer math fun by David Hubalik, Head of School at BASIS San Antonio Jack Lewis Jr. Campus. Like all of our students, every year the teachers and school leaders at BASIS Charter Schools look forward to summer break. Sure,...
Bird BINGO With the Witte Museum

Bird BINGO With the Witte Museum

Have you and your kids been staring at screens too long? Go to your backyard and look for birds! Download and print a Bird BINGO card, watch the how-to video from the Witte Museum’s Witte Where You Are activities, and try birdwatching. We’ll explain how...
Coin Flip Fitness for Staying Healthy at Home

Coin Flip Fitness for Staying Healthy at Home

Coin Flip Fitness is healthy activity that combines exercise and knowledge. I use it as a warm up/instant activity in our PE classes at KIPP Un Mundo Primary School, where I am a teacher and a coach. I will show you how this activity works so you can try it at home,...