Would a school of choice with a culturally responsive learning model be the right fit for your children? In this guide for parents and caregivers, we will explain more about what it means for a school to have a credit recovery learning model and give examples of schools in San Antonio that offer this model. Our goal is to help you understand the range of learning models that are available in schools of choice and enroll your children in high-quality schools that are the right fit for their needs.
What Are Culturally Responsive Schools?
San Antonio is one of the most rapidly growing cities in America, and one of the most economically segregated. It is a community where at least 64 percent of the population identifies as Latino, and six percent as Black or African American, yet data indicates that many schools are still overwhelmingly failing students of color. Culturally responsive schools work to change that by creating learning environments made up primarily of students and teachers of color. Students not only learn about their heritage but they are also made to feel proud of it rather than singled out for it.
At culturally responsive schools, students of color see themselves reflected in their school leadership, teachers, and staff. Like historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), these schools foster a sense of family and belonging while reminding students of color that they can use their experiences to become leaders, hold positions of power, and affect social change. These schools allow students to learn without the additional challenges of feeling like the minority or being singled out to speak for their race or culture.

San Antonio Public Schools With a Culturally Responsive Learning Model
In San Antonio, families can choose culturally responsive learning models at several open enrollment public charter schools and in-district charter schools. These are tuition-free, public schools that are open to all students in a wide enrollment area, as we explain in our guide to school models.
Compass Rose Dream at Compass Rose Public Schools serves many students who are newcomers to the United States. In particular, students from Afghanistan make up roughly half of the school’s enrollment.
Essence Prep promises that through rigorous academics, intentional character development, and cultivating student knowledge of self, all students in grades PK–8 will be prepared for high school, college, and beyond as leading agents of change in their communities. Jennipha “Jae” Ricks, Deputy Superintendent and Chief Learning Officer, created a guest blog post to explain how the programs at Essence Prep are designed to address systemic racism and support students’ sense of agency.
George Gervin Academy is built on the legacy of legendary Spurs basketball player George “The Iceman” Gervin. The mission of George Gervin Academy is to cultivate growth and promote academic excellence and accountability through passionate teamwork. Their vision is to elevate an enduring legacy of high expectations. The core values are GPAAT: Growth, Passion, Academic excellence, Accountability, and Teamwork.
Graebner Elementary School is an SAISD Choice School with programs such as dual language education that are designed to connect with the predominantly Latino community where the school is located.
Young Men’s Leadership Academy is an SAISD Choice School with a mission is to equip young men with the knowledge and skills necessary to graduate from college while developing the confidence and efficacy to pursue their dreams.
San Antonio STEAM Academy (formerly known as SA Prep) has adopted a new name to reflect their dedication to providing a comprehensive education that includes Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM). They believe that a STEAM-supported curriculum opens their students’ minds to a world of opportunities and prepares them for an ever-changing world.

Culturally Responsive Learning in Other Education Settings
Culturally responsive learning is available in other education settings, including private schools, micro schools, and early childhood education centers. Read more in these blog posts:
- Chef Jerrel Williams at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran School
Also, families can choose to homeschool using a culturally responsive learning model.
For the Culture Homeschool Co-op is a homeschool community for our children to collaborate on projects, build relationships, and learn with kids who look like them. Their programs are designed with intention, putting the rich and diverse traditions and histories of Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities at the forefront.
Pathways Home Education and Beyond Education can assist families with setting up their homeschool environments.

Learning Models Help Focus Your School Search
Identifying cultural responsiveness as a desired learning model is an important step in your school search. As a parent or caregiver who is researching schools for your children, the range of options can be overwhelming. Remember that you know your children better than anyone else. As you develop an understanding of different learning models, you can narrow the field to the ones where your child will likely be their happiest and most successful. Visiting School Discovery Day events is a great way for parents to meet with representatives from multiple schools in one day, ask questions, and get a feel for the school’s climate and culture. The San Antonio Charter Moms team wants to make it as easy as possible to find the right school for your child as easy as possible. We have a wealth of resources, including our Facebook discussion group, interviews with schools, and a weekly newsletter, to help you make the best choice.
Learning Models Handout
Download or print our learning models information as a one-page handout. The text is in English on one side and in Spanish on the other.

Read More About Culturally Responsive Schools
- “Understanding Learning Models for School Choice,” San Antonio Charter Moms, August 8, 2024
- “School Models: Charter School, Private School, Traditional Public School, and More,” San Antonio Charter Moms, August 1, 2024
- “School Search Timeline,” San Antonio Charter Moms, August 1, 2024
- “How to Find the Best Schools in San Antonio,” San Antonio Charter Moms, April 30, 2024
- “Guide to Enrolling in George Gervin Academy,” San Antonio Charter Moms, February 13, 2024
- “Guide to Enrolling in Essence Preparatory Public School in San Antonio for 2024–25,” San Antonio Charter Moms, February 8, 2024
- “Jessica Avalos-Alvarez Teaches at Young Men’s Leadership Academy (YMLA) in SAISD,” Jessica Avalos-Alvarez, San Antonio Charter Moms, January 22, 2024
- “Tamarya Guess Is ‘Coach T’ to Her Students at Compass Rose Dream,” Tamarya Guess, San Antonio Charter Moms, January 17, 2024
- “SAISD Enrollment Guide for Choice Schools in 2024–25,” San Antonio Charter Moms, December 12, 2023
- “Guide to Enrolling in Compass Rose Public Schools in San Antonio for 2024–25,” San Antonio Charter Moms, November 9, 2023
- “Guide to Enrolling at San Antonio STEAM Academy,” San Antonio Charter Moms, April 1, 2023
- “Jerrel Williams Is a Teacher, Coach, Chef, and Leader at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran School,” Jerrel Williams, San Antonio Charter Moms, March 8, 2023
- “Parents Find Answers at School Discovery Day Events Hosted by San Antonio Charter Moms,”San Antonio Charter Moms, January 10, 2023
- “More Texans turn to home schooling after the pandemic showed them what learning outside of schools could be like,” Brian Lopez, Texas Tribune, November 21, 2022
- “The Essence of Essence Prep: Cultivating Leading Agents of Change,” Jennipha “Jae” Ricks, San Antonio Charter Moms, April 20, 2022
- “A Better Chance for Youth Futures, Inc. Raises Awareness About HBCU Opportunities,” Monique Robinson, San Antonio Charter Moms, September 22, 2021